Center the human not just the <div>

hej there, I'm Tanja a german designer with a great passion for human centered solutions.

Human Centered Approach

Design Thinking

UX Research

Usability Testing

Design Strategy

Motion Design

Interaction Design

Human Centered Approach

Design Thinking

UX Research

Usability Testing

Design Strategy

casE studiEs

As a multidisciplinary designer, I find great enthusiasm for classic ui design, as well as motion and 3d design, but above all for great user experiences.

Inventing the future with the smart tapin interface.

An innovative and future-oriented treatment system for personalized drinking water with a central control.

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Rethinking the application of outdooractive.

Redesign of the mobile application of outdooractive to enhance the user experience and joy of use.

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Developing new interaction concepts with the itery lightdisco.

A new, interactive operating concept for creative lamp control for home parties.

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Informing about factory farming with interactive exhibit.

A digital application to better understand the impact of factory farming on animals, humans and the environment.

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coming soon

Supporting seniors with digital assistant mia.

A smart assistant for seniors, supportings them step by step in their daily activities on their smartphones.

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coming soon

Optimize logistics with truckmate.

An assistance system for truck drivers, supporting them in their daily tasks like parking searches or tracking driving and rest times.

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holistic issuEs, reQuire holistic approAches

Design thinking methods give me the tools to develop sustainable and comprehensive solutions and combine creativity, technology and strategy.

cEnter humAns

hej there, I'm Tanja a german designer with a great passion for human centered solutions.