Ready for a hike?

Rethinking the application of outdooractive.

Rethinking the digital application of outdooractive using a design thinking method.

Application Design
Johanna Schopf,
Lea Voith
Rebecca Schellhorn

The idea

The aim was to analyze and improve the digital application of Outdooractive. It's a tour guide for hikers, cyclists and mountaineers.

The focus was primarily on the structural reorganization of the app content, which was overloaded and inaccessible in its original state. In addition, a strategic and visual redesign of the app should be carried out using some Delight Features as an example.


the AnalYsis

The existing Outdooractive application was examined in detail using various analysis methods.

This allowed us to identify a lot of problems.
Too many hierarchy levels
Community features poorly developed
Three menu items show map view
Discover Page arouses no interest

The User

To find out which features should be implemented, we created user personas that helped us to better understand our target group of outdooractive
user need statement

An adventurous sports fan who needs personalized route recommendations that can be edited in order to plan beautiful hikes with his friends.


How might we enable Max and his friends to plan routes collaboratively.

How might we provide Max with personalized route suggestions.

How might we allow Max to personalize existing routes.

The delight features

The aim of the iterations was to visually present our findings in Delight Feature Screens.

When we tested the existing app, in addition to many confusing errors in the information architecture, we noticed that we were missing one thing in particular – A possibility to collaborate with each other.


Through the new community, like-minded people can connect, create groups, take part in challenges and challenge each other.

Collaborative Planning

You rarely go hiking alone. With the new tool for collaborative planning, several users can plan their tours together and bring more variety to their hikes.

Personalized Discover Page

A Discover Page with individual route suggestions and challenges ensures a higher level of personal identification with the app and makes hiking more fun.

The evolution

Max and his friends go camping. They look for great hiking routes at their travel destination, which they edit collaboratively.

Based on this story, we created low and high fidelity prototypes with which we also carried out usability tests.

Sketch of Camping Friends
Sketches of Outdooractive Redesign
Wireframes of Outdooractive Redesign
Screens of Outdooractive Redesign

The results

In the final design, we used previously defined design filters to define the look and feel of the application.

In addition, we had the opportunity to concentrate on a few micro interactions and to visualize our vision of the app in the defined screenflow.

Wizard Filter
Find suitable routes quickly
Route View
See all route details
Points of Interest
Easily add suggested POI
Groups & Chats
Edit routes collaboratively and chat

The result of this process was a clickable prototype of the redesign built in Figma and the following video.

In the following video we were able to illustrate what using the new outdooractive redesign and its screenflow could look like. But see for yourself how Max and his friends plan their trip.